
Welcome to the Historic West Floral Heights Neighborhood Association.

Whether you live in our neighborhood or are just interested in history- Welcome! We are over 110 years old and are very proud of the heritage in each of our homes. As an Association, we gather to assist each other with projects, work to keep our neighborhood clean, celebrate different flag days, enjoy each others company, and even host a Thanksgiving Day 5k that raises food for local non-profits. On this site, you’ll find links to beneficial city sites as well as our grant page- members of the association can apply for funds to help fix their sidewalks or to purchase trees to restore the canopy that once kept our lovely neighborhood cool to walk through. Interested in becoming a member or having flag service for your home? You can sign up and pay right from this site!

So bookmark this page- you’ll find it invaluable as a member of the neighborhood!

Members Benefits and Services

Member’s Enjoy The Following Benefits:

  • Support your neighborhood
  • Receive neighborhood watch information, email alerts, and pet watch messages
  • Receive regular informative newsletters
  • Fund maintenance of the historic street lights and sign poles
  • Fund maintenance of the neighborhood plaques and signs
  • Invitation to attend all HWFHNA events & socials
  • Enjoy the benefits of the tree program