In August 2001, our neighborhood came together as an association to make this a truly amazing place to live. From Flag Days to Christmas Parties, Turkey Trots to Neighborhood Clean-up days, you sense the pride we share in our homes and the history of our neighborhood. This is a place where you hear people call out hello’s as they pass by friends out for a jog or just out walking their dogs. Front porches are for enjoying each others company and neighbors are always welcomed.
Platted in 1909, Floral Heights was named for Mrs. J.A. Kemp (Flora) because they owned the entire block on Grant between 9th and 10th Streets. Their spacious 3-story home was surrounded by vast open spaces and fences. During WWI, pilots from Call Field used it as a guide.
(Information found in Wichita County Beginnings by Louise Kelly)
The Kemp Home – now the location of the Chesterfield House apartments
A Toast to Historic West Floral Heights – read at the April 25, 2009 Centennial Celebration.
We celebrate the first 100 years– over 36,000 days and nights–of this old neighborhood, on these brick streets of now celebrated West Floral Heights. Among their trees and flowering shrubs, these dear old homes have earned the rights to be honored, respected, and valued, too, for they now, indeed, are historical sites. We might have lived on Van Buren and Polk; even Harrison was among the “mights,” and unpaved cross avenues raised such dust! But transportation was never one of her plights because of the street car and her elevation, plus her early suburban electric street lights, she was quite fashionable from the first, offering her proud residents many delights. Today we pledge our respect and love to a neighborhood filled with lovely sights, and praise God for sheltering us in His love along the streets of Historic West Floral Heights.
Here’s a link to an interesting video the city put together concerning Historic Preservation:
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